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The Savvy Remote Leader Toolkit - Part 2: An Engaged Virtual Team

Valarie Willis

I was curious as to how leaders were keeping their teams engaged. I asked, and you answered. Thank you! Here is what you shared with me, in no particular order.

  • Have weekly "non-work" meetings

  • Be sure to ask people how they are doing before the meeting starts. Find out what is happening that is good. Engage people by discussing topics that are not related to work.

  • Camera's on! Ask a lot of questions and set up ways for many people to actively respond.

  • Use the chat and share images or ideas. Maybe have people show that baby picture that has been stowed away. :)

  • Find that connection with people. Connections build trust, engagement and commitment. Be curious!

  • Create a quick daily call in, and share 'water cooler' chat. And another person called it a "waterhole" conversation. Whatever you call it, be brief!

  • Join the meeting a few minutes early and allow time for just socializing. Ask an interesting question and have people respond in the chat box.

  • Front and center! Ask everyone for their thought or opinions. Go around the screen if you need to, all voices count.

  • Consistent communication. Some use Google sheets to share project updates in order to have fewer meetings.

  • Speaking of Google, get jamming on the Jamboard. Great way for people to post ideas, use images to express thoughts and collect thoughts. (Check out the Google Apps for Jamboard).

  • Take Care! Make a personal phone call, or reach out personally.

  • Get out the pen! Write a note to someone and thank them for something that they have done, or just to say, "I am checking in and hope all is well."

  • Time for lunch! Yes, virtual lunches can be a blast. Better yet, if you have a project to celebrate, get lunch delivered to your team and have lunch together.

  • Happy Hours can be virtual as well. Everyone should pull out their favorite glass and have some beer or wine together. (After hours, of course).

I know that there are other ideas out there, feel free to add them to this post.

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